

Welcome to my web page. I am a film and media scholar, a photographer and a filmmaker. As a media scholar I have two main areas of research: film and digital television. My film research focuses on understanding how film techniques produce an affective embodied viewing experience. That is, how images and sounds are used to create a felt experience in audiences. I mainly use the work of philosopher Gilles Deleuze to explore how this occurs. I’m particularly interested in affective embodied film viewing from a feminist perspective. My book Deleuze and Film: A Feminist Introduction is the first major study of film viewing and feminism from a Deleuzian perspective and has broken new ground.

I also research and write about new and emerging forms of television, particularly multiplatform television and new forms viewer engagement. Like my film research I’m interested in how viewers experience images and sounds, but in the case of television I’m also interested in new possibilities for viewers to shape and contribute to television content and television forms. My latest essay on this subject is called Television Assemblages and focuses on television as an open system that transforms, in part, through user interactions. I’m currently working on an essay on the filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini and ethics.

As a filmmaker I’m currently working on a documentary that focuses on the children and grandchildren of the European migrants from the 50s and 60s. Before I became an academic I was a television producer in the pay TV industry in Australia for 11 years. I wrote directed and produced hundreds of programmes about films and the film industry like interview-based documentaries on actors and directors, entertainment news segments, behind the scenes reports and festivals and red carpet reports. I also made the award winning 1994 documentary On Becoming that explored the idea that gender is fluid rather than fixed.

On this site you will find links to my writing and information about my research and film production, so feel free to have a look around and click on the links.